【NPO法人The F-Word正会員】
NPO法人The F-WordはNPO正会員を募集中です。あなたも是非会員になってThe F-Wordのメンバーとして運営に参加したり、会員同士のつながりを深めてみませんか?
- NPO会員限定のイベントや無料イベントに参加できます。
- 法人の運営に参加・発言できます。年に一度の総会で議決権を行使できます。
- 会員専用のLINEに追加され、The F-Wordの活動内容を配信します
- フェミニスト・マッチングのSLACKに参加でき、オンラインで自分のロールモデルやメンターに出会えます
[The F-Word Membership]
The F-Word is currently in the process of applying for a non-profit organization. We invite you to become a member and support The F-Word!
●●●●The following benefits are available to you if you become an active member ●●●●
- You can participate in and have a say in the management of the corporation. You can exercise your voting rights at the annual meeting.
- You will be added to the members-only line to receive updates on The F-Word’s activities.
- You can join the SLACK of feminist matching and meet your role models and mentors online!
●●●● Type of membership●●●●
Regular member: Annual membership fee of 3,000 yen
Please pay the annual membership fee at the following URL.