“The F-Word”とはもともと「Fuck(性交渉)」を意味する英語圏での放送禁止用語を口にしないために使う表現です。しかし、私たちが団体名として使う“The F-Word”Feminists(フェミニスト)のFを意味しています。1960年代に勃興した第2波フェミニズムは社会や家庭の中で作られる性別役割分担を批判し、「女らしさ」を押し付けられることによって生きづらさを感じている多くの女性が共感を示しました。しかし、“I am a feminist. (私はフェミニストです)”と明言することに抵抗感を覚える女性も少なくないのではないでしょうか?それは、男性優位の社会やメディアによって Feminists=ブスのヒガミ、モテない女の活動」といった偏った見方が蔓延し、Fuckと同じように軽々しく使えない言葉としてスティグマ(偏見)を植え付けたからです。




The F-Word is the expression used to avoid saying the curse word, “fuck”. We, however, use the name “The F-Word” to mean feminism, and to portray the stigma that often comes with that word.

The second-wave feminism movement, which emerged in the 1960s, criticized the division of gender roles.  Many women felt uncomfortable playing the “women’s role” in both public and private settings, and expressed their discontent at that, an empathetic position for certain. In more recent years however, there is resistance to stating that “I am a feminist”, and people who do so are often stigmatized as women who are man-hating, bra-burning troublemakers. This is due to the male-dominated society and the media, which portrays feminists as ugly, angry, man-hating women, and that view has become a pervasive, and “feminism” as a term that cannot be used as lightly as “fuck”.

Being a feminist is not just about being an activist or making radical statements, it is also about being aware of women’s oppression. If you have experienced not being able to make the choices to attend higher education or in the job market simply because you are a woman, or someone criticized you for going out without makeup, or someone saying you can be a good mother just because one of your hobbies is cooking, and you felt uncomfortable with others saying those things to you or other women, you are a feminist.

But many women feel the ever-present stigma for calling themselves a feminist. We feel that all women are feminists and they should be proud to call themselves one. Our community helps women who feel uncomfortable with social norms or pressures. Together we will learn how to notice our discomfort, verbalize it, and tell others about the causes of this difficulty. By sending out these messages, we hope to create a community where we can proudly assert our rights.

By thinking critically and verbalizing in both Japanese and English, we are able to spread our message to a wider audience. We want to develop a community of powerful women. Women who will use the various insights from our community and others and share them in their own workplaces and homes. Our goal is to create a society that is more comfortable for women to live in, a society where all women can proudly say “I am a feminist”.