安心して話せる環境を作るために、マッチングサイトは会員限定とさせていただきます。The F-Wordの会員になるには年会費3000円をお支払いいただく必要があります。
【We’d like to introduce our feminist matching group on Slack!】
If you are having difficulties to find female role models at your workplace or private sphere, here is the right place.
This is limited and safe place for members only. All of our members are from diverse background and interested in gender and feminism. So we can talk about your career, housework, relationships, and anything related to gender with our members.
In order to ensure that this online place is safe and comfortable for anyone to share their honest thoughts and experiences, we limit this service to only those who signed up for our membership with an annual 3,000-yen fee. If you are not yet sign up for our membership, please click the link below and sign up for your membership.
【You can pay your membership fees from here】
We will send you the invitation after you sign up for our membership.
If you have any technical difficulties, you can also ask our members who are used to the app through the channel of #howtouseslack. We do this so that newcomers can also check those threads for themselves.